We learned back in October that this whole school choice issue is wildly controversial. Clearly, some people love it & some people hate it. But that's not why we're getting together on January 30th for a brown bag lunch. We're getting together because many parents are just plain confused by it - especially those of us about to enter PPS for the very first time. Should my child transfer? How? When & where?? What are my choices? Is there a sneaky strategy to get what you want? What about magnets? The list of questions goes on and on, slightly different for each of us.
Yes, we can all look at the PPS transfer policy and web site. But what we've learned here at urbanMamas is that the real value comes from other parents, preferably those with relevant experience who are willing to share their expertise and lessons learned with the rest of us. So, thinking that the chance to informally listen and ask questions is what a lot of parents really want (me included), we decided to host a casual, brown-bag conversation before this year's Celebrate PPS event (which is on Saturday, 2.2.08).
How It'll Work: We'll have 3-4 panelists who have kids in a range of PPS school settings: neighborhood schools, magnets, charters, you name it. They'll talk informally about their experiences - what they have liked, found frustrating, would do differently, etc... Then you can ask questions. The point here is not to debate the pros and cons of school choice (at all). It is to help us to understand and navigate the existing system - whether you love it or hate it. If you're dying to get into the controversy of it all, check out our heated discussion on the topic from back in October - you can still weigh in!.
When & Where: Wednesday, January 30th from noon to 1:30 PM in Multnomah County's Central Library in downtown Portland. We'll be in the U.S. Bank Room - on the first floor, just to the right as you walk in the main doors off SW 10th Ave.
RSVP: No real need to commit, but it'd be good to get a sense of how many people might make it. As always, let us know in the comments. And, if you think you are uniquely qualified to be a panelist (i.e., you have at least one, hopefully more children in PPS schools) offer yourself in the comments section, and we'll talk.
With one kiddo potentially entering the PPS system, I will definitely be there! I'm looking forward to the discussion and any help in navigating the options.
Posted by: Hau | January 02, 2008 at 04:09 PM
I may be able to join on the panelist side (schedule permitting). We went through the school choice dance last year:
All the best,
Posted by: Tony at Milagros | January 02, 2008 at 05:24 PM
What a wonderful thing! I'll be there.
Posted by: Anne | January 02, 2008 at 09:38 PM
It my hope that as a panelist you also include a parent/family who cannot benefit from school choice as much ethnic diversity, single parent families, carless (as opposed to car-free) families, lower income families. School choice doesn't serve for families who already impacted by the serious disparities in PPS.
I would be happy to come talk about my experience as a single parent of color that has done "Special focus", Neighborhood school, private school, school choice and now back to neighborhood school. All with the same kid.
Posted by: ProtestMama | January 03, 2008 at 10:24 AM
I'm very interested in this and would love to attend. Count this mama in as a yes if I can find childcare (assuming it would be OK to come a little late). Along with the ins and outs of navigating the system I am also interested in experiences folks with older kids have as far as going to schools that are not in their neighborhood - I'm wondering how much of trucking my kids around to another part of the city to see their friends, do sports, etc. I am looking at if I choose a school that's not near our home.
Posted by: Erin | January 03, 2008 at 01:57 PM
I would love to attend but wont be able to since I do not work in downtown portland. Is there any way to recap this online? (does that sound cumbersome? Sorry)
Just wondering it is a great topic.
Posted by: elizabeth | January 08, 2008 at 08:36 PM
Any and all attendees and/or panelists are welcome and encouraged to recap the discussion. if no-one else does, we will! Good point! Also, if it proves to be a wildly popular event, perhaps another one (at a different time & place) will be in order - if we are up for it, that is!
Posted by: Lisa | January 08, 2008 at 10:35 PM
I hope to attend if I can find childcare
Posted by: Leah | January 09, 2008 at 04:58 PM
I'm going to try to come. I'm eager to talk to other mamas about the PPS maze and options.
Posted by: Emily | January 09, 2008 at 09:44 PM
We have a panel of 5 ready to go: a few moms, a few dads. Some with kids in neighborhood schools, some with kids in magnets, some with kids in charters, some in N/NE Portland, some in SE. All with experience understanding and navigating the system to find what works best for their chilren and family. And, importantly, all willing to share their experiences with you!
Posted by: Lisa | January 10, 2008 at 04:34 PM
I am a product of School of Choice, and I have to attest, it saved my life. I was bored and frustrated at a terrible small high school in N. Wisconsin. After I got my drivers license I transferred to a school 40 miles away, and it was well worth the commute. Now I am finishing my Masters at Columbia rather than having lost my mind. While I was at my small highschool, extracurriculars, basketball in particular, was my only motivation to go to school. I am still a firm believer that many kids live for their extracurriculars. Even if the schools you consider transferring to don't have every activity your child may be interested in, feel free to look outside the school. Many metro areas have club programs or activity centers. The New York Kids Club in NYC has a variety of activities not normally offered in schools that your kids may be interested in, such as martial arts, innovative music and dance classes, a climbing wall, ect. ect. It is open for kids of all ages (6 months to 12 yrs.) at 4 Manhattan locations. If any of you New Yorkers are out there in bloggerland, feel free to come to NY Kids Club's Free Friday event for bloggers and their kids on Jan. 18 to enjoy free food and drink as well as have run of the facilities. More info at http://nykcbloggerparty.smnr.us.
Parents should weigh school of choice very carefully, and definitely discuss with their kids, but choice of school can really make all the difference in a kid's future-so can outside activities. so good luck!
Posted by: Chessia | January 12, 2008 at 07:29 PM
Also, a belated thanks to Protest Mama for offering to be a panelist. We hope you'll be there to add your experiences to the mix, though we agreed that a panel of 5 is large enough. We hope that they will offer a wide variety of voices/experiences for those in attendance.
Posted by: Lisa | January 12, 2008 at 07:51 PM
um, not surprised I wasn't "picked", as I am a bit too uh, strident, on this issue. We have exercised every option available in Portland, but charter. It isn't too far from work so I'll probably still stop by.
Posted by: ProtestMama | January 14, 2008 at 12:52 PM
I would love to attend and will plan on being there.
Posted by: Wacky Mommy | January 15, 2008 at 04:15 PM
We hope that PPS parents in the audience will answer questions, too, when relevant, not just the panelists. The more experience shared, the better, so Protest Mama, we hope you're ready to assist!
Posted by: Lisa | January 15, 2008 at 04:35 PM
Thanks for the opportunity. I plan to attend.
Posted by: Cindy | January 20, 2008 at 04:15 PM
I won't be able to attend, but a little insight from my 5th grader, for whom we're looking at middle school choices:
"Mom, can't I just be regular and go to the school down the street? That way, I can walk to school, we won't have to leave so early so you can drive me to school on time, I can make some friends in the neighborhood, stuff like that."
Out of the mouths of babes...
Posted by: Sheryl | January 22, 2008 at 01:20 PM
For those of you interested in learning more about kindergarten at Portland Public School, don't miss the kindergarten room at Celebrate! PPS, Saturday, February 2nd from 1 -5. Kindergarten teachers will be available to answer your questions and will read aloud from their favorite books every 30 minutes -- so bring your pre-k students. Student work will be on display, as well as hands-on activities for pre-k students. Parents will have a chance to peruse the newly adopted curriculum materials and take home popular curriculum-related give-aways. It's a great opportunity to get oriented to the wonderful world of kindergarten! Vermont Hills will provide childcare to children ages 4 and older.
Posted by: Nancy Hauth | January 23, 2008 at 02:16 PM
Thanks for offerring this! I plan on attending with a friend.
Posted by: melissa s. | January 24, 2008 at 10:02 AM
Wherein I (sorta) apologize:
Posted by: Wacky Mommy | January 25, 2008 at 08:33 PM
A reminder that this event is not an evaluation of the existing transfer policy, as we said in the initial post, just a way to help parents understand how it works and where they fit into it. We won't be discussing the merits of the current system on 1.30. We realize that it is controversial for many but nonetheless, parents entering PPS would like to understand how it functions so they can best navigate it for their families. its wider social impacts can be(and have been) discussed elsewhere. Thanks!
Posted by: Lisa | January 26, 2008 at 08:25 AM
Wow, shocking. Wacky Mommy continues to alienate people from an otherwise worthy issue by leveling insults and displaying her own prejudices.
Posted by: Let you husband do the blogging... | January 26, 2008 at 10:03 AM
umm, yeah. I probably will not be attending as I am moving and dealing with my own school issues. My falling to the floor of the conference room and sobbing about high school probably won't helpful to anyone.
Posted by: ProtestMama | January 28, 2008 at 12:58 PM
wow. Just discovered this site-- very cool. Since my kiddo is older now, I've been a bit remiss in keeping up on these things. Also, I simply don't have the time-! But seeing the panelist discussion thing coming up, I was moved to chime in: I would looove to talk about my son's school, but can't make the meeting. I'm guessing there's some kind of forum on the site, or--? Perhaps there'll be more meetings growing out of this one-? So, I'll look around your admirable site, and maybe you can answer some of these questions-? Thanks! More power to ya, Mamas! xoxo ~Angela
Posted by: Angela Crow | January 28, 2008 at 09:36 PM
would any of you that attended be willing to post some cliff notes here? i'd soooo appreciate it - specifically in regards to magnet & charter schools.
Posted by: concordia_mama | January 28, 2008 at 10:40 PM
I'll be there
Posted by: Anne | January 29, 2008 at 05:53 AM
I'll be there
Posted by: Anne | January 29, 2008 at 05:54 AM
We plan to share info from this event here (may take a few days to find the time to summarize), as best we can! We'll ask those who attend toi add comments here, too, so the summarizing comes from many. Also, we'll add a post soon after specifically to continue the dialog and, if the panelsits are willing and ahve the time (?), they could reply - and of course the rest of the world can, too! We chose this location and time b/c it is geographically central for PPS and working people in the downtown area can get there. If it's wildly successful and we have the energy, it can surely be replicated.
Posted by: Lisa | January 29, 2008 at 10:29 AM
Just heard about this & I am planning to go, too. Looking forward to learning from those who've navigated thru the system.
Posted by: JJ | January 29, 2008 at 10:35 PM
I couldn't go due to moving, illness and various forms of mama drama. I offered to be a panelist as the original post said that people with kids in PPS could. No one ever contacted me to even discuss it. It was posted here that the powers that be decided that there would only be five panelists.
Apparently, that wasn't true as I understand there were more than five today.
I don't know how you have an Activista panel and purposefully exclude people with relevant experience both as a parent and activist for children because they're not in the "club". But I guess it's your sandbox and you can decide whose views are allowed panel time.
not cool. not inclusive.
Posted by: ProtestMama | January 30, 2008 at 07:12 PM
Hello again, protest mama! I believe that I replied to you here in the comments section on 1.12.08: "Also, a belated thanks to Protest Mama for offering to be a panelist. We hope you'll be there to add your experiences to the mix, though we agreed that a panel of 5 is large enough. We hope that they will offer a wide variety of voices/experiences for those in attendance." As I noted in my reply to your Guestivista comment, we do the best we can in the time we have. if we do not function as you wish, my apologies. and again, thansk for taking the time to comment and share your perspective. Sorry that you couldn't be there today. If you would like to share your experiences in PPS, please do! The comments section is there exactly for that. You'll reach more people that way than you would have in today's discussion! So jump in - let readers know how the PPS system vis-a-vis choosing schools has worked for you and your family.
Posted by: Lisa | January 30, 2008 at 07:52 PM